Thursday, April 23, 2009

It's Love

It starts with an itch, a slight tingle,
When a heart, unknowingly, with the other mingles;
It takes u over with a breezing storm,
While u weave in your mind an exotic song;
It knits a maze of ecstasy and warmth,
Dreams unfurl with each new dawn;
It brings in its wake, sleepless nights,
Can’t shake the thrill, try as u might;
It carries the fragrance of a sun-kissed rose,
It lures u, holds u, draws u close;
Imbibed with the innocence of a starry-eyed child,
Its baby-soft hands, over u glide;
U drift in its haze, so soft and sweet,
It makes u dance to its rhythm and beat;
It whispers tenderly, wreathes u in its wings,
Your tummy flutters, anticipation springs;
It brings u a glow, unceasing smiles,
U’re drenched in fantasy all the while;
A feeling so pure, u can’t escape,
Its purely magic… it carves your fate.