Saturday, June 20, 2009

I Am Sorry…Am I?

People are becoming more materialistic by the day. This acquisitiveness overpowers them so much that they fail even to understand the needs and wishes of their parents who raise them with such love and care.They become so selfish that they place their wants and luxuries above everything else. And when they say ‘I am sorry’, do they really mean it?

Dear Father,

I know you need money to pay the debt, but I’ve just bought a new house. So I can’t send money this month. I hope you understand. I am sorry.


Dear Mother,

I know I promised I’ll be home early for your 40th anniversary. But my friends have planned a party, so I can’t come soon. I am sure you’ll enjoy anyway. I am sorry.


Dear Dad,

I know I had to take you to see the doctor tomorrow. But I have to attend a business party. So, I can’t come. See if you can postpone the appointment. I am sorry.


Dear Mom,

I know your knee hurts and you want me to pick you up. But I am busy at the moment, so I can’t come. Can you go walking one last time? Its not far as it is. I am sorry.


Dear Pa,

I know you need me at the hospital to look after mom. But I have a very important meeting, so I can’t come. I am sure you’ll manage. I am sorry.


Dear Maa,

I know I promised to be home this year to see you. But I am going away on a trip with friends. The plan was sudden. I’ll come next year surely. I am sorry.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


He knew he had few days to live,

She knew he had not much to give;

He didn’t want to tell her for she would cry,

She wondered why he didn’t tell her, why?

He wished to leave without hurting her,

She waited for him to tell her;

He desired to make the last moments perfect,

She realized his choice to keep it a secret;

He strived to make each day special,

She pretended that life was normal;

He showered her with roses and never moaned,

She cooked his favourite food and cried alone;

He did all that she had ever asked him,

She did all that he loved…everything;

He yearned to have with her one last dance,

She wasn’t a good dancer, yet, couldn’t disappoint her man;

He wore a tuxedo, the one she loved best,

She wore satin and lace, draped in red;

He turned on the music and played her favourite song,

She went in his arms, the place where she belonged;

He held her waist and drew her close,

She looked at him and rose on her toes;

He gazed back as love gleamed in his eyes,

She returned the love with the warmth of her smile;

He swayed with her never letting her go,

She matched his pace to and fro;

He made the most of his last dance,

She showed her love at every chance;

He refreshed the memories of their life,

She blushed at the reminiscence of sleepless nights;

He danced with her until dawn,

She never complained knowing soon he’d be gone;

He held her hand and led her to the settee,

She watched him lovingly till he fell asleep;

He never woke from that sleep in her arms,

She knew it in her heart that this was their last dance;

He was gone but gifted her some priceless moments,

She didn’t cry for that’s what he’d chosen;

He left her with memories to last forever,

She held on to them and walked in the future…

Saturday, June 13, 2009


A thousand dreams fill his eyes,
Like sparkling stars across the skies,
In his heart a hope lies,
A spirit to fill the world with smiles…

Keeping the verve alive,
He sets off on a promising drive,
On a road meant to bring delight,
Spread across myriad miles…

Little does he realise,
That the odyssey to paradise,
Is an illusionary flight,
Lasting not even for a while…

The miasma of strife,
The hammering of words vile,
The sound of guttural cries,
Shatters his inner poise…

Bloodshed on all sides,
As person after person dies,
He watches in fright,
As people struggle to survive…

The smell of bloody tide,
The gory death sight,
The massacre, the turmoil,
His heart recoils…

Terror crams his wounded mind,
His dreams crumble and fears arise,
And yet he gathers all his might,
And gears up for the fight…

Lost in the valley of spite,
He erases all blood ties,
The beast of carnage thrives,
He knows nothing but dislike…

Love fails to rise,
Albeit he ceaselessly tries,
For, abhorrence defeats and destroys,
His compassionate inner voice…

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I Am…

I’m not the person
You want me to be,
I’m the person
I feel within me…

I’m not of the smile
That warms my face,
I’m of the frowns
Which ruin my days…

I’m not of the strength
You see and know,
I’m of the weakness
That I never show…

I’m not of the bravery
That makes me fight,
I’m of the timidity
That makes me want to hide…

I’m not of the pride
That reflects my demeanour,
I’m of the humility
That wraps my nature…

I’m not of the laughter
That makes me glow,
I’m of the tears
Which silently flow…

I’m not of the success
That rings around me,
I’m of the failure
That none can see…

I’m not of the fortitude
That holds me high,
I’m of the fears
Which within me lie…

I’m not of the control
That you think I retain,
I’m of the temptations
Which refuse to sate…

I’m not of the joy
That eases my living,
I’m of the sorrow
That torments my being…

I’m not of the confidence
That makes me subtle,
I’m of the hesitance
That makes me stumble…

I’m not of the flamboyance
That boasts of finesse,
I’m of the simplicity
That brings me ease…

I can’t be someone
Fake and virtual,
I am as I am…
Imperfect…yet real…

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I am numb,
Not a trace of warmth within me,
I hear no hum,
Too frozen to feel the din…

I’ve forgotten the way you smiled,
The way you looked at me,
I’ve forgotten how mischief lit your eyes,
How you loved my simplicity…

You took too long
To turn around and come,
I’ve now forgotten the songs
That we’d together sung…

Silence reigned,
When words needed to fill the void,
Nothing matters now…
My tears have dried…

Got nothing to give you today,
Not a smile…not even a word,
The moment of return slipped away,
Nothing remains now…
Just debris of feelings unheard…