Saturday, June 20, 2009

I Am Sorry…Am I?

People are becoming more materialistic by the day. This acquisitiveness overpowers them so much that they fail even to understand the needs and wishes of their parents who raise them with such love and care.They become so selfish that they place their wants and luxuries above everything else. And when they say ‘I am sorry’, do they really mean it?

Dear Father,

I know you need money to pay the debt, but I’ve just bought a new house. So I can’t send money this month. I hope you understand. I am sorry.


Dear Mother,

I know I promised I’ll be home early for your 40th anniversary. But my friends have planned a party, so I can’t come soon. I am sure you’ll enjoy anyway. I am sorry.


Dear Dad,

I know I had to take you to see the doctor tomorrow. But I have to attend a business party. So, I can’t come. See if you can postpone the appointment. I am sorry.


Dear Mom,

I know your knee hurts and you want me to pick you up. But I am busy at the moment, so I can’t come. Can you go walking one last time? Its not far as it is. I am sorry.


Dear Pa,

I know you need me at the hospital to look after mom. But I have a very important meeting, so I can’t come. I am sure you’ll manage. I am sorry.


Dear Maa,

I know I promised to be home this year to see you. But I am going away on a trip with friends. The plan was sudden. I’ll come next year surely. I am sorry.



  1. Its completely Realistic Post...every thing written is lesson for dose people who never understand d feelings nd wishes of dere grt way of presenting something new ..keep writing...all d best.

  2. Reality of modern way of life.What will happen to us ? What our children will do ?Every human being has to face the same fate .We have to think over it .Thank you Shalaka .Very well done.Keep writing. :)
