Sunday, July 5, 2009

Imperfectly Perfect...

A pleasant day…bright and clear…perfect for an outing. I get ready in anticipation of a fun filled day and gear up to finally meet Dabbu after a long time :) I put on my shoes…grab my wallet and… tringgg…Dabbu calls to say that I should not leave as yet. Hmmm…ok…so I log on to g-talk and luckily a friend is online. I am like…Thank God, I’ve got someone to chat with. The conversation just gets interesting when I get another call asking me to reach the destination. Well…I’ve already waited this long…a few more minutes won’t hurt I guess. So I chat for another 10 minutes before logging off. I put on my shoes…once again…grab my wallet…once again…and reach the door…and… hell!!! It starts raining right before my eyes!!

All day long there is not a drop of rain and when I am about to leave, the sky erupts! Wonderful…this is all I needed. I inform Dabbu that I might be late…and if it continues to pour with this speed then…

But finally the rain slows down and I get a chance to escape. Mind you…I don’t have a full raincoat and I still risk the raging weather. So...the journey begins…me in an oversized jacket happily taking off for the destination. Hardly do I travel a kilometre than the rain crashes on me! Still left with a long journey ahead…I am completely drenched. And hey…the story has just begun. Just where the rain is the heaviest, my dio starts betraying me...she refuses to move ahead and stops right in the middle of the road. Hell…why didn’t I treat her with petrol before leaving?? Well…what’s done is done…so here I am…pushing my way through a water filled road all the way to the petrol pump. As if that weren’t enough, I realise at the petrol pump that I have forgotten to refill my wallet! I just hope now that I’ve kept yesterday’s change intact. And yes, I do find some cash…barely enough to get me to the destination.

Now…petrol filled…money paid…frustration relieved a bit…but the damn dio wont start!! God! It takes me full 10 minutes to get the thing started. And finally…I leave the petrol pump with a sigh. And when I think nothing worse can happen to me now, just the opposite occurs. I decide to go through the main road to avoid muddy splashy lanes. But luck just deserts me when I need it the most. The main road is so full of water that I am scared of slipping and falling right into it!

To add to my woes, the 4-wheeler drivers act over-smart and assume it their right to give us, the 2-wheeler drivers, a muddy shower! Well…fine…ok…I convince myself that just some distance is left and finally reach Dabbu’s place…all drenched…from top to bottom…clothes soaked in the muddy water…water dripping off my hair, my face, even my shoes…[sigh].

I ring the bell…aunty is right there. She watches me and gives a sympathetic smile which says ‘its-alright-these-things-happen-all-the-time’. And then Dabbu has to look at me and give one of those mocking looks! Aunty gets me a towel and insists that I change. I stand there holding a towel, embarrassed like hell! Try as I might, both, aunty and Dabbu, are not convinced when I say I don’t need a change of clothes. After a series of failed attempts, I finally change and aunty (bless her :) ) lovingly tells me not to be formal and awkward and that she always encounters things like this.

At long last…there I am…at Dabbu’s place…in Dabbu’s clothes…hoping that atleast the day gives me more than I expected. And the time that follows is filled with lots of smiles…some laughter…some fights…some patch-ups…some snaps…and a lot of tickling :)

The day turns out to be a remarkable one for me…another leaf in my kitty of memories…meant to dry someday…but always to be present in my diary. The day, I say, is not the perfect one…but its Imperfectly Perfect…


  1. Woww..Although the downpours seems did unfair to you ,I love such torrential rain.In such situatons,I reckon its more FUN being completely drenched & having a ride through the road filled with all muddy water.
    OKAy..your scooter might had equally did unfair to you,but i guess it was fair from her side.
    MORAL of the story,there will be bunch of obstacles in your journey of life,but you got to be utterly OPTIMISTIC about it.Its a test by your destiny wanting to see how you take it as.It tells you to carry on with your dint,your efforts and your destiny would drift you into a happy end.
    So good job.

    OH YESS..thanks to the four-wheeler driver.

  2. nice post...don't you just love such days..
    "life is made up of moments, not minutes"- The curious case of benjamin button.
    neways im back drop by my blog!!

  3. oh i love such days...drenched n all...
    a moment of frustration in the past turns into a blissful one when i think of it now.. :)
    thanks for visiting my blog...

  4. Well expressed thoughts! Every day is an adventure in the rains. The benign pouring of heartily welcomed rains are an impedance to a smiling face ONLY if you think of it as cursed, happening only at the perfectly imperfect time, like when you are about to leave for your activity.
    Instead, imagine waiting just for the chance, where you can make a good cup of tea/coffee which otherwise would be a lethargic managed-by-mom activity, and indulging in its sipping ( with the pure water dripping into it ) under the roof of the ravishing dark clouds!
